The Single Best Way to Fall Asleep Quickly

Having insomnia sucks but this will help you nod off.

Paddy Murphy
Change Becomes You


Image from:, made with MidJourney

The answer is something called ‘cognitive shuffling’ and it involves thinking about random items that are easy to visualize. These should be things that are seen as non-threatening, and conducive to sleep.

Sleep difficulties

For years and years and years and years I’ve had trouble falling asleep. In my teenage years, I thought I was going slightly insane because I was going such long stretches with very little sleep.

I would lay awake at night, trying to fix all the ills of the world. How I’d stop wars, and poverty and bring peace and compassion to everything. Absolute delusions of grandeur.

Teenage dreams are hard to beat…

On top of that then there were the usual teenage worries of social anxiety, not fitting in, not being popular with girls, and failing at school because it was so hard to concentrate thanks to being exhausted all the time.

Once I could legally drink, things improved somewhat as I could self-medicate and drink alcohol to help me sleep but, well, obviously with hindsight that was a rather stupid strategy.



Paddy Murphy
Change Becomes You

I write about psychology, self-improvement, spirituality, and history. Counseling sessions are available here: