The Soul and Our Promise to It

Our second life begins when we listen.

Zackary Henson
Change Becomes You


Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

“We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.”

— Confucius

The call

What can you suggest that at the same time, you can’t understand?

What is that thing you know that you know not why??

What’s happening when you’re asked, from the deep of you, to go somewhere?

To act on something?

To do it blindly?

Without justification?

It’s the most irrational of irrationalities, yet it makes sense for some reason. To the point that it eats at you. Demands that you listen to it.

You can’t just know that you have a soul, you have to know your soul.

Reactivity versus Response

There’s the impulse to do something stupid. It’s an emotionally reactive solution to something that has happened to you or something you’re running away from.

It feels like relief, but only because it creates a void.

This is not the soul, but you running away from it.


