The Ugly Truth

Quitting my routine job was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Sharmin Bachtiyal
Change Becomes You
1 min readMay 4, 2023


every moment is not yours!

Is the title above sound cliché’ to you? what’s new? or everyone may say yeah another spin-off from a storyteller wannabe! Well, either you can stop reading or turn to NEXT, please.

But who, when, which, what, and who triggered me to quit my good paid salary job back in 2016? Yes, this is the ugly truth that I thought life is unfair. But then I realized that money is not everything in LIFE! But why do we become slaves to the material? Simple it is because we live our life for others and not for ourselves.

TIME is all that matters! It will reward you with freedom, love, and sharing! Ironically, this could only be manifested if we never gamble them with money!

So here I am today, living a moderate life and guided! If you give yourself to your inner being, listen, and reflect wisely, life becomes free from any tag price.

Thus, allow me to say I LOVE YOU yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

(Allah) said: “Get ye down. With enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood,- for a time.”

