Three Things You Can’t Run Away From If You’re Going to Be Genuinely Happy

Why avoiding, evading, and pretending are making you miserable.

Dawn Bevier
Change Becomes You


Image by Максим Ермак on Adobe

Those worn-out sneakers of yours? Take ’em off. Go barefoot. Because when your feet are naked, it’s a hell of a lot more brutal to run.

And we love running, don’t we? Running from our problems. Running from our emotions. Running from anything that makes us anxious or uncomfortable.

Hard truth: We have to stop. More than that. We have to invite our problems over for coffee and conversation.

Because let me tell you, those issues we’re struggling with? The ones that keep us up at night? They won’t go away. So we might as well try to find a way of dealing with them.

But it’s hard. Extremely hard.

For instance, we crave security, so we run from opportunities that could have big payoffs. We crave peace, so we run away from painful memories that make the hurt feel new again. We crave “normal,” even though we know the normal we’re living is stealing our joy and progress.

And these desires to hit the concrete and pretend our problems don’t exist?

They’re poisonous, and running from the three things below can greatly destroy your chance at the life…

