Tips to Avoid a Depressive Episode

“Even if you can’t make it better, try not to make it worse.”

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Laura Becker

I’ve felt really good for most of the last year and a half now, and for literally the first time in my 52 years, my depression is in remission. That’s a BIG freaking deal!

But that does not mean I’m completely out of the woods, and it certainly doesn’t mean that it can’t come back and take me down at any time. While I’m feeling decent and going about my life, my depression is outside doing pushups, waiting to pounce on me.

I must remain vigilant.

You may have read previous posts where I talk about feeling like there’s a hole in my heart. This still happens, although it doesn’t last nearly as long as it used to.

That feeling is an indicator that my depression has arrived and is trying to take over. Maybe it’s a little weird, I don’t know. It’s a very distinctive feeling, an actual physical sensation. My heart feels incomplete and very heavy. It really sucks.

Do you know this feeling, too? (Maybe I’m not as weird as I thought.)

I feel this hole all day, every day when I’m depressed, and it is the most powerful sign that my mental health has taken a severe nosedive. I know I need to take action…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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