Top Ten Movie Moments That Make This Tough Guy Weep

Lately my kids enjoy watching me instead of the movie if they think I might get weepy, which then makes me mad and weepy at the same time.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStockPhoto

By Mark Johnson

I ran across one of my favorite movies, “The Natural,” the other night, and as usual, got sucked in and watched the whole thing. I’ve probably seen it 35 times. As I found myself wiping away tears at the end, I landed on the idea to write this post.

Aging is weird in multiple ways, not just the obvious ones like losing hair where you want it and growing it where you don’t. As if troublesome physical changes aren’t enough, I find that I’m becoming, well… a woman. Not in the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner sense, mind you, but emotionally. It seems that my standard Big-Tough-Man-No-Cry rule is going by the wayside. In fact, I can get misty at practically anything these days. So much so that my kids enjoy watching me instead of the movie if they think I might get weepy, which then makes me mad and weepy at the same time.

So in the spirit of full disclosure, I thought I’d just embrace this phenomenon by listing the top movie moments (or scenes) that make me hide my face in a couch pillow. Please add yours in the comments and let’s see how they compare…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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