Top Tips for Stress-Free Productivity

Through focused effort, you can be relaxed yet productive.

Vinita Ramtri
Change Becomes You
4 min readAug 15, 2021


Vinita Ramtri

Often people ask me how I’m so productive. And also, as though it bears some direct correlation to lack of sleep, the statement that follows is, ‘when do you sleep?’ Rest assured, I sleep plenty!

As for productivity, I believe that it’s one of the most overused yet poorly understood terms that fill our vocabulary and many of us continue to confuse productivity with some sort of mad rush that’ll leave us tired, stressed, dull, boring, lifeless and devoid of friends.

I do think that when done right, it’s actually the complete opposite.

Here below are some of my thoughts on productivity

1. Stop Trying to be Productive

I know this might sound counter intuitive but in the same way as you don’t reduce stress by obsessing about stress, or reduce obesity by obsessing over fat, to be productive, we need to stop being obsessive about productivity.

Productivity for me about hitting the bed feeling wow, this day was so worthwhile! Not productive, worthwhile.

For example, when spending countless hours scrolling Facebook, ask yourself, ‘is this really what my time is worth?’

If you don’t value your time to begin with, then explore this before going to point two.

Productivity for me about hitting the bed feeling wow, this day was so worthwhile! Not productive, worthwhile.

2. Being Productive Isn’t About Doing More

There was a time in the industrial revolution when productivity was synonymous with churning more units per hour. But in today’s context, where we understand that more isn’t always better, productivity may well be about doing less yet doing well what you’d set out to do — and still being able to do it with a heart full of contentment.

Take a moment to think of the most productive people you know. You know them not because they are tired, burnt out and invisible but because despite everything they’ve achieved, they’ve found time to be there and show you what they did. I suppose that says it all.

So if you’re working yourself off at a feverish pace chasing a large collection of meaningless tasks and constantly feeling burnt out, without really getting anywhere meaningful— then think again. Where exactly are you off to?

If the first tip to achieving stress-free productivity is to value your time, the next is to accept once and for all that more isn’t always better. Even though you may not have precise goals, clarity of direction is key.

3. Productivity is Not the Opposite of Creativity

Also, people often believe that productive people lack creativity and that if you’re creative, then you’ve almost earned a right to be less productive.

But that’s just not true. And to be sure of this, take a look at the lives of artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and creators such as Newton who have produced not just very creative output but also huge amounts of output.

Sure, no all outputs need the same amount of work and some deliverables take longer than others, but the idea is to work consistently and not hang around waiting for inspiration to strike.

I’m no Vincent Van Gogh (yet!) but I do agree with this and work consistently. Sure a piece on Medium may take longer to finish that a shorter piece on another site, but to be productive, the effort from your end must be consistent and sustainable.

Productivity is being creative yet efficient on a consistent basis.

4. There’s Nothing to be Sorry About

Thanks to the above myths surrounding productivity, it’s sometimes considered shameful to be too focused and so some of us are a little shy to admit when something feels like a waste of time. I mean no one wants to risk sounding anti-social! What sort of bore says no to potentially pointless banter at the pub concerning people that don’t concern you in the least?

I’ll call this productivity shaming and in everything I see, I feel more of us feel it than we care to admit.

But I’d say that if you know what you wish to get from you day and your need to achieve that outcome is greater than your need to seen as someone who’s always available to hang out with, then you have to find the courage to follow your conviction and persevere with single-minded focus.


To achieve stress-free productivity, you must first believe that such a thing does exist and also be willing to pay the price for it.

When we learn to see it as a creative and happy place as opposed to a docile and slavish pursuit of meaningless goals, only then can we begin to work towards it.

Once you’ve truly convinced yourself that this is the existence you want, then work to set out a holistic system that is tailored to your personal needs and your lifestyle.



Vinita Ramtri
Change Becomes You

Coach, author, finance professional and single mum. I live in Singapore, my heart lives in words.