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Triggers are treasures...

If it informs you it’s them. If it affects you it’s you.

Adam Slawson
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2023


When this embodies — becomes something you identify with — it’s transformational. However, initially, it can be a jagged little pill to swallow. If that’s the case maybe try it on for a while and see regardless of if you agree to start with. Practising it would be the equivalent of holding the pill in your mouth and sucking off the edges. After a while, it’ll slip down easily and will be highly nutritious.

When someone or something upsets you (you get “Triggered”, as it’s often called), although it might be annoying AF, it’s also a good thing. Actually, it’s more than that, it’s an absolute blessing. Why? Because it’s a map. They are/it is showing you where you’re not free (yet).

Using anger as an example. If you lose your temper it’s highly likely because something inside you, something that you’ve exiled because your parents or society has conditioned you to believe is not okay, perhaps something that you’ve not made peace with or accepted, yet, has been touched on. A sub-personality (in Carl Jung’s words) has been threatened and your defences get activated.

Seeing any overly emotional, triggered outburst, as a good thing takes practise but it’s exponentially rewarding and will, over time, transform your life. I’m not saying not to get (constructively) angry btw. It’s essential to allow the burst of emotion (energy-in-motion) to move and leave your body. Try shouting, from your belly, into a cushion a few times in a row and notice the difference. But there’s a duality at play, there’s a lesson in every reaction too. If you start to wear your PALS, Pay Attention Lens, in time, everything in life will begin to flow more easily. The knock-on effect of this is more than huge.

If you’d care to find out more about the above, please do get in touch.

As always, thanks for reading,

Adam (Follow me on IG @thevulnerabilityguy for more)

PRACTICE: The word, “Good”

WHY: If/When sh!t happens noticing the good in it (and saying it out loud) slightly shifts our perspective and breaks the negative thoughts. Change your perspective, change your thoughts, change your thoughts, change your life.

HOW TO START: Errr, say “Good” the next time something difficult happens and picture sucking the edges off the sweet jagged little pill. May the force be with you. It gets easier with practise and accepting that we are human and things will piss us the f off at times (and that’s okay too).



Adam Slawson
Change Becomes You

Transformational Coach | Vulnerebel | Founder of Plight Club