Uneasy Male Emotions

Men pay the price for not being able to let out their emotions in a healthy way.

Gerald Washington
Change Becomes You


Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash

A lesson that everyone learns at some point in their lives is that men also can feel powerful emotions in a variety of situations. These events can cause us to feel deep sadness, loneliness, anger (of course), shame, guilt, or deep grief over a loss of friendship/relationship.

A huge obstacle is that most of us aren’t taught how to express these emotions in a healthy way — without a mental chain in our heads from negative past experiences keeping us from expressing any emotion other than stoicism. From when we were kids — - if we felt sad about something or wanted to cry? We weren’t allowed to express that, we had to bottle our emotions up and be stoic after being chastised by our parents/guardians.

If you had stoic parents, this could have been a big issue in your home. It got to the point where you had to be on eggshells with your emotions because of unfeeling parents.

As time goes on, the problem gets worse with young men having a lot of bottled-up emotions from disappointments that we go through throughout our lives.

One day, years down the line, all of the emotions and pain that we hold inside finally come out, only in a heated argument with family or a friend.



Gerald Washington
Change Becomes You

Just a curious writer/blogger trying to navigate a complex world. Sharing my words helps a lot with that.