Walking Away From the Pews: 7 Reasons for People Leaving Church

The journey of faith is complicated. One can go from being a prayerful child to a disillusioned adult.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Viral Chatter and Martha A. Lavallie

In a world where faith and religion often play significant roles in people’s lives, there are those who choose to walk away from their religious practices.

There are various reasons why individuals have stopped attending church, and here are some of them.

1. Childhood Beliefs & Disillusionment

The journey of faith is complicated. One can go from being a prayerful child to a disillusioned adult. Questioning the efficacy of prayer, they observe that life’s hardships persisted regardless of their prayers. This leads to the question of the purpose of prayer and the church.

As children, we are often taught to believe in certain things without question. This includes religious beliefs, which are often passed down from generation to generation. However, as we grow older and start to question the world around us, these beliefs can sometimes falter. This is a natural part of cognitive development and can lead to disillusionment with their childhood faith.



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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