What Are We Really Searching for in Life?

Freedom and the 9 movements to get there.

Andy Travis
Change Becomes You
Published in
8 min readNov 3, 2020


Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

“Is it possible to wake up some mornings and feel incapable of loving…when you feel nothing…nothing at all.”- a text from a very happy, successful friend this morning.

I was there.

Caged in a gemstone mind.

With a glass full of goal coins and yet desperately thirsty for joy. Unable to find peace no matter how hard I worked. My goals made me gasp for air. I could not answer “what should I aim for in life ?”

The last few years have been a quest to answer this question. I have found many gems in the course of my barefoot walks so far and I want to share some that are practical and stand out. Today’s wis gem is from the book by Carl Rogers `On Becoming a Person’ that tackles this question and his findings as a psychologist.

See if any of this helps.

You have to strive “to be that self which one truly is.”

Soren Kierkegaard

This sentence is the essence of the answer to the question according to Carl Rogers. This sentence for me has been one of those…

