When a Couple Goes (Selectively) Hard of Hearing

Welcome to my life

Bonni Brodnick
Change Becomes You


Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

I just had my hearing checked at the request of my beloved. Why?

“You never answer when I ask you to do something,” my husband said. “There must be something wrong with your hearing. Have you thought about having it checked?”

Really?? Should I mention that he mumbles? His sentences tend to run into one another and create a syllabic traffic jam. It happens so often, in fact, that I genuinely don’t know what in sam-hell he is saying.

After telling me one time too many times, I took the bull by the horns. The very next day, I made an appointment for an audiological evaluation.

When I stepped into the sound booth at the audiologist’s office, a white-coated technician explained the procedure.

“You mean she was all coated in white?” I could almost hear my husband say as if misconstruing that the technician had fallen into a vat of melted marshmellows.

“NO! SHE WAS WEARING A WHITE DOCTOR’S COAT,” I’d say loudly. I wondered why I had to explain something this simple.



Bonni Brodnick
Change Becomes You

Writer. Creative. Thinker. Humorist. Author of "My Stroke in the Fast Lane" + "Pound Ridge Past." A proud Stroke Survivor. Visit me at bonnibrodnick.com