Some Things You Might Not Know About Addiction

While You’ve Been Collecting Tokens at Your Meeting, Your Addiction Has Been Pumping Iron in the Parking Lot

Keith R Wilson
Change Becomes You


Image from Pexels in Freerange

So, you’ve stopped drinking or drugging. The addiction seems to have gone away.

Has it, really?

Addiction takes cover sometimes when it feels threatened. It’ll hide in the bushes and come roaring out when you least suspect it. Make no mistake, addiction is cunning, baffling, and very, very patient. While you’ve been collecting tokens at your meeting, your addiction has been pumping iron in the parking lot.

Addiction prefers the dark. It likes to perform its dirty deeds in secret. The night belongs to Michelob. However, addiction is rarely ever a real secret. It’s kidding you when you believe it leaves no trace. You can tell when addiction is still afoot if you are willing to read the signs.

These are the signs:

You haven’t done the things promised for your recovery

If the problem behavior is gone, but you still haven’t been to see a therapist, attended meetings, written that letter of apology, changed associates, or done any of the things you promised, then the addiction is just hoping you won’t…

