Why Are Gen Z and Millennials Separating from Their Parents?

Mental health discourse online is leading to the increase of younger generations choosing to go “no contact” with their parents.

Nia Cherie
Change Becomes You


Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Years ago, Home Alone movie star, Macaulay Culkin, was in the media for “divorcing” his parents — essentially removing them as his legal guardian. It was a crazy moment in pop culture that effectively introduced the concept that for some people, separating from their parents appears to be a healthier choice than maintaining the relationship.

Fast forward to 2022, when a popular TikTok by a mom spotlighted how many of the younger generations are not contacting their parents anymore. I will integrate the video link here to view, but the video is directed to all the moms who have young adult kids:

Nobody ever tells you how hard it’s going to be when you’re kids grow up and they are not in your life or they are in your life…Why is it this hard? When I feel like it was a good mom and I did everything I can to show my kids I love them and be there for me, and why does this generation of kids just turn their back on their parents?

I would never treat my parents the way some of this generation treats their kids. It’s everywhere. Story after story…so much…



Nia Cherie
Change Becomes You

I enjoy spreading the truths of what I've learned about love, compassion, life, and empowerment. Thanks for reading! :) ko-fi.com/purposeistolove