Why Do We Lie To Ourselves?

We can do a better job of understanding our thought processes and how they affect our perception.

Change Becomes You


Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

People want to connect but everyone’s so afraid. So afraid of being vulnerable, of being hurt, they aren’t truly capable of letting someone else in.

I think the real issue is people don’t let themselves in. Their true selves. Not the self created by society. The perverted portrayal of self they use to navigate this fake life we’ve created in the modern world.

We live in an irrational society obsessed with the guise of being governed by rational thought. And then don’t understand why so many people are confused and lost. How can we feign ignorance, when we know our society is racist, sexist, and elitist? In the face of ultimate truth, these things make no sense.

We are all human, intimately connected by sharing the same time and space. This is no coincidence. Of all times in the world’s past and future, you were born now. How can we say it is up to chance that we exist today? How can we say its okay to divide ourselves across arbitrary lines, judging people for things such as where they were born? What they look like?

From a young age people are taught to judge in an unhealthy manner. They rearrange their life views from a selfish…



Change Becomes You

essence of spirituality is contentment Know yourself, heal your universe Corruption causes justice to appear insane Increase awareness, decrease reactivity