A Field Guide to Feelings

Why You Get So Cranky

It’s one thing to be unhappy when things don’t go your way. But sometimes you can’t find the good in anything.

Keith R Wilson
Change Becomes You
Published in
5 min readNov 29, 2020


“Grumpy Old Goat” image from Needpix

It’s one thing to be unhappy when things don’t go your way. But, if you’re human, sometimes you can’t find the good in anything. You seem to love to find something to complain about.

We could call this feeling being grouchy, grumpy, critical, crabby, miserable, mean, ornery, bad-tempered, negative, perverse, depressed, or cantankerous; but I’m not happy with any of those words. Oh, all right; let’s just call it cranky.

If you ever want to know what it feels like to be cranky, just go without sleeping or eating longer than you should and then interact with people who are acting kind, considerate, and scintillating. You won’t be able to tolerate those people. You’ll treat them like crap. That’s the feeling, but that’s not really what I’m talking about; because, in that case, you’re in need of sleep or food. I’m talking about when nothing is wrong, but you’re unhappy, anyway.

Another way to think about it, is like this. You know what it means to wear rose colored glasses? Well, some people figuratively wear shit colored glasses, so everything looks like shit.

