Why You Might Be Disconnected From People, Meaning & Purpose

A Discussion on attunement, self-regulation, and empathy.

Ryan Breen
Change Becomes You


Photo: iStock

A meaningful life is a quality life. It cannot be measured in social status, money, or other measurable attainments. It is measured more so by the continual integration of our internal, self-aware experience with the external shared world of reality. When we can connect with that reality through relationships and work that has a sense of purpose directly tied to our need to grow, we might be said to be living a quality life. The interplay of connecting my feelings, emotions, and thoughts with other people and other types of expression produces a sense of connection that generates a unique feeling of connectedness. Experiencing this type of connection is vital to our movement towards self-actualization, or, the realization of our personal potential.

“Tuning In”

The ability to connect is known as “Attunement” and is basically understood as being “in tune” with another person’s emotional states. This function of our brain is crucial to relational success. It is a critical experience to have, especially early on in our lives with our caregivers, because it is through the quality of experienced attunement that our emotional regulation system is calibrated. The self-regulation system is like a…



Ryan Breen
Change Becomes You

Follower of Jesus struggling to carry my own cross but learning in the process. Psychotherapist and helper. Owner Dynamic-Awareness.com Counseling & Coaching