Why You Should Quit Your Toxic Job

Your dead-end job is bad for you in many ways, so don’t put up with it.

Ethan Eros
Change Becomes You


“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” — Confucius

I called my boss for a meeting on a Monday morning in one of the client meeting rooms at the Bank. I had a white envelope in my hand, enclosed was my resignation letter I had prepared the night before. “So, what’s this about? Can we make it quick, we have a sales meeting in 30 minutes”, my boss said.

I slowly pushed the envelope in front of him, and before he could open it, I blurted it out, “I quit!”. “Oh, and by the way, I’m not coming to the sales meeting. I immediately felt a sense of relief, euphoria, I felt free.

You see, I had been in a dead-end job for almost 3 years at the bank writing commercial loans. I hated every minute of it, but it kept the lights on. I was a young aspiring banker and had just made the leap from the mortgages department to the ‘big boys’ in the fancy suits in corporate banking.

Even though most of my colleagues were great people, I had an egotistical, narcissistic boss who made my working life miserable. I worked very long hours, rarely taking lunch breaks. My boss and I were the last ones…



Ethan Eros
Change Becomes You

Helping men to be more confident in navigating the modern dating world and build fulfilling relationships. https://twitter.com/EthanEros360