Why you Should Treat Feng Shui as a Personal Development Tool

Instead of using it to manifest the life of your dreams.

Hilda Carroll
Change Becomes You


feng shui personal development
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Feng Shui is the art of setting up our homes to support our health and wellbeing. And that wellbeing stretches across all aspects of our lives, not just our physical health.

Fundamentally it works with our home’s energy, which is divided into nine zones that represent different facets of our lives. The aim is to have the purest possible energy which can easily circulate throughout the home.

This nine-zone grid is known as the Bagua and, in the western world, it is largely treated as a manifestation tool. If we want to attract the perfect relationship, wealth, or fame, we check the Feng Shui in that area. And if it’s off, we introduce remedies to bring things back into balance.

And while this is all well and good in theory, it is very hit and miss in practice. Some people have amazing results, and others are disappointed.

There is a simple explanation for this: every single manifestation technique out there is limited in its efficacy. And the stumbling block is our own subconscious readiness to have what we think we want.

If we have a self-sabotage pattern in a particular area of our lives, then trying to manifest what we…



Hilda Carroll
Change Becomes You

Hilda Carroll is a writer, meditation teacher and interior designer who helps people create sanctuary in their homes and lives. www.hildacarroll.com