Will You Ever Find Truth and Love?

This is why I end every article the same, Reader.

Zackary Henson
Change Becomes You


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

What matters?

What has ever mattered?

I know what matters, of course. Some days…

My heart tells me. It always has. Even when I ignored it.

But more recently, after uncovering my very soul, it also has given me visions of what actually matters in a world manipulated, controlled, and awed at by man.

I found the crossroads of the animal and the intellectual being that we truly are.

The question is, do you?

Your definition doesn’t have to match mine.

What matters is the depth in which it means something to you.

Are you a part of the Matrix; the industrial and progressive demand of modern man in efforts to turn its back on archaic and ancient wisdom?

Are you moving so fast to keep up with the self-importance of humanity that ever removes itself from the weaves of his truth as an animal; the symbiotic relationships in demand of our contributions for it’s growth and balance?

Have you found yourself separated from internal peace? Calm? Presence? The unconditional love of the elegance of existence?

