Women Are Easy to Operate — Just Remember These 3 Things

Most drama with your woman can be easily eliminated. Here’s how.

Change Becomes You


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You might not believe me, but most women are incredibly easy to operate. There are only three things to avoid most drama with the woman you treasure.

#1. Never disrespect your woman.

If you truly treasure her, never disrespect her in a way that makes her feel bad or look bad — especially in front of other people.

Most of this is simple.

Don’t lie to her. Don’t minimize her significance in your life. Don’t be more attentive with other women than you are with her. Don’t act like a single guy when you are clearly in a relationship with her.

If you want to be in a relationship — BE in a relationship. Make that choice and when you do, respect it and honor it.

It comes down to one simple thing. Avoid doing things that make people question your loyalty to her or what’s happening in your relationship.

This especially applies in the early stages where the relationship is still developing and becoming solid.

