Women’s Rage, Women’s Grief. Men’s Hearts, Please Hear.

“Stand With Me, Even If It’s Too Late.”

Devin Gleeson
Change Becomes You


Photo by ankita_gkd on Pixabay

Much of life is passed in the Ordinary. We wake up, go to work, pay bills, read news, negotiate logistics, eat doughnuts, go on diets, socialize, exercise, check our bank statements, meet with therapists, and enjoy our hobbies.

A secret known to few is that just to the left or right of the Ordinary is the expanse of the Extraordinary. Here, the unusual is common. What I mean by this is that transformation, discovery, love, healing, evolution of consciousness — rarities in the Ordinary world — are the threads that weave the fabric of the Extraordinary. More is possible here, and those who visit leave with the clarity that if humans spent more time in the Extraordinary, life would be better and the planet would thank us.

This is the story of one such Extraordinary space.

I open my Zoom meeting, and people start filing into the waiting room. One name after another populates the list, and I know them all. Over the past three weeks, I’ve made contact with each of these people, connecting and coordinating about the space we will be co-creating today. Now that the day has come, I am terrified.

I start letting people into the Zoom room. On some of the screens, multiple people are seated…

