3 Great Ways To Give Back This Year

Matt Conaghan
Change Donations
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2019

It’s the time of year to be thankful for what we have, but also to consider what others don’t. Here are three easy ways to make a big impact these next few weeks.

1. Donate Your Time

Your time may seem precious, especially during the hectic holiday season, but even an hour of volunteering can make an incredible difference in the lives of others. It doesn’t have to be a specific organization. You can help clean trash at your community park. You can write a letter to someone who may need it. Make sandwiches for a local homeless shelter. It may go unnoticed or unappreciated, but that doesn’t matter. You’ll feel great, and your seemingly small actions can snowball into mass movements of positivity. If you’d like to find more volunteering options, volunteer.ie is a phenomenal resource.

2. Donate Your Things

Do you ever wonder if your coat matches your shoes? Well wonder no more because if you do you probably have too many coats and now’s the time to donate it to someone who needs it!

Ok this is not meant to be a guilt trip, but the holidays are a great time to reassess your belongings. Take a moment or two to look through what you have and decide what you need. Donating your previously loved items is a great way to help others and help clear your mind.

Clear out your wardrobe for a wonderful cause like Enable Ireland — who donates items to children and adults with disabilities.

3. Donate Your Change

But who even HAS change anymore? 1 and 2 cent coins aren’t even legal tender, and most people don’t carry cash. Those spare 20 and 50 cent pieces that were once easy to drop in the donation box are slowly moving out of circulation.

That’s why Change Donations puts change back in your hands (figuratively). Change Donations is the modern way to support your favorite cause. By simply signing up & linking your card, you can automatically round up your transactions to the nearest Euro & donate that change to the nonprofit of your choice. It’s a fully personalized donation platform right at your fingertips.

Just last month I spent €6.35 on a glow-in-the-dark Santa hat. I nearly regretted that impulse buy but remembered 65 cents went to supporting Dogs in Distress. Helping your local animal shelter and having the coolest hat at the Christmas party all in one swipe of a card — now that’s progress.

Whether it’s helping animals, humanity, the environment, or anything in between, Change Donations gives you the tools to make this holiday season mean more. For everyone. Join the Change Community and find out more at changedonations.com

