Assignments ||| Submission Info+Writing Prompts for The Change Exchange

Daria Benedict
the change exchange
3 min readJan 29, 2019
assignments+thought-starters below. submission instructions at the bottom.

The skinny:

We’re looking for perspectives and stories around the topic of change. Since it’s the only constant in life, we all deal with it. We learn from it. We get anxious about it. We celebrate it.

We feel like that makes it the perfect topic to gather around the proverbial table for.

There are two ways to submit your work:

1. Publish your story on Medium (it’s free and this method makes it extra easy for us to feature you as a contributing writer in our publication). See the graphics below for instructions on how to submit via Medium.

2. If you are shy and would like to privately email us something you’re writing, email an attachment directly to our editor here. If it’s a fit, we’ll guide you through the steps to getting published in The Change Exchange!

Having a tough time getting started? We’ve got writing prompts for you below to get those creative juices flowing.

Thought-Starter 1: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Plato’s ‘Allegory Of The Cave’ is a theory about human perception. In it, Plato claims that knowledge gained via our senses is no more than opinion. He believes that in order to have true knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning.

This reasoning introduces us to Plato’s theory of True Forms, in which the philosopher argues that the physical world (which is changeable according to individual perception) is not as real or true as absolute ideas. According to this theory, ‘Ideas’ or ‘Forms’ are the meta-level, non-physical concepts of things, and specific examples of these concepts in the physical world are merely imitations.

Assignment/Writing Prompt 1

What is the true form of change? What does change mean to you? How would you distill it into its essence?

Assignment/Writing Prompt 2

Why do we fear change, when we know that it’s inevitable? What is the best way you’ve learned to deal with change in your life?

To Submit Your Piece for Consideration via Medium

email submissions to



Daria Benedict
the change exchange

Writer. Lover. Pianist. Activist. Singer. Rapper. Philosopher. Digital Strategist. Marketer. Passionate producer of ideas that change the world. @dariaofchange