Daria Benedict
the change exchange
1 min readMar 19, 2020



Excerpt from the upcoming book ‘And Now, A Few Words From the Author’ by daria of change.

Photo by Michael Ankes


swirling light and dark push, pull.


a thing cannot exist without it’s opposite.

nothing is ever lost or gained. all is immortally one —
owning equal parts known and unknown;
a singular consciousness spawned solely to revel in its own existence.
a progressive state of perpetual stalemate.

the beam-like travels of consciousness throughout itself possesses a tool in which the secrets of our existence lie…


what is light but a reflection of the moment that just passed?
we follow the light and examine what it uncovers,

building memory upon memory and
coming the same distance closer to seeing the big picture.

-daria of change



Daria Benedict
the change exchange

Writer. Lover. Pianist. Activist. Singer. Rapper. Philosopher. Digital Strategist. Marketer. Passionate producer of ideas that change the world. @dariaofchange