Adaptation in Business?

Brendan Quagliana
Change in Business
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

In this blog I am going to introduce how and why change is business is important. What does a business do to adapt to the ever changing world? I will be researching what aspects of Corporate America are changing and why they are changing. I believe that change is important in business because without it there is no innovation, no entrepreneurship, no advancements, and no growth. Companies grow because of change, they adapt to thousands of internal and external factors and ultimately, either expand or collapse.

What Am I trying to Learn?

Throughout this blog there are many things that I want to learn and understand. Personally, I am interested in what sparks a company to change, what is the motivating factor that causes a company to decide they are moving in a new direction. Additionally, I want to understand what are the most crucial aspects of a business that need to change when the decision is made to move in a new directions. Do they change distribution channels, undergo corporate restructure, or consolidate? These factors that drive a business to change fascinate me and I hope to learn this and much more.

“A glowing red “change” neon on a wall” by Ross Findon on Unsplash

What Are My Goals With This Blog?

In this blog I hope to understand the soft skill of adaptability. I want to learn how a businesses changes and adapts to that change. In turn, I hope to learn how to better adapt to aspects that change in my life, so that I can improve myself as a business professional. This goal will be achieved through research and understanding of the root of adaptability. I will reflect on times where I could have been more adaptable and times where I adapted to something changing perfectly. I plan to dive deeper into what made me successful in each situation and build on that.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin

