Am I Adapting?

Brendan Quagliana
Change in Business
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018

As I continue to practice the soft skill of adaptability. I have noticed that I becoming more and more resilient to noise when I am studying. To recap what I have been doing over the last week, I am changing the way I study to become more effective and efficient at studying. I changed from silent studying to studying in a somewhat noisy environment, to eventually be able to focus regardless of outside distractions.

“An open notebook on a wooden surface in front of a laptop” by Nick Morrison on Unsplash


I tried to study once again at home with a moderate noise level. I seemed to have a little bit of trouble focusing, but there is a definite improvement. The first time that I attempted this I was distracted very often and found myself accomplishing almost nothing. This time around there was less times I found myself focusing more on the distractions than my work. One of the positives that I noticed was when I got really interested in a topic I found myself able to drown out the distractions. A negative I ran into was that when I was less interested in a topic the distractions seemed more interesting than what I was trying to learn so I became more focused on them, than my work. Although, I feel that I accomplished more than last time, but I still need to keep working on it.

What’s Next

I plan to continue putting myself in the noisy environment and trying to focus more and more on my work, so that over time I can become more efficient at studying. I want to increase the noise level as I get better at controlling the distractions. Also, I can adapt not just my studying but also my time management to make better use out of my studying time.

