Change One Step at a Time

Brendan Quagliana
Change in Business
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

Change is not something that is implemented over night, it takes time to develop and hopefully become beneficial for the entity bringing about change. I decided that I would conduct a small experiment on myself to test my personal adaptability.

What Did I do?

Like most people in today’s world, we are all trying to become better at something or just improve enough so that someone notices. Everyone wants to change something about themselves. In practicing the soft-skill of adaptability, I decided to change my studying schedule. Typically I will wake up, go to class, study for a few hours, go home relax or continue studying. I decided to go home right after class and try to study in a noisy house filled with my family members.

What Happened?

I did not have a lot of success adapting to trying to study in a loud environment. In fact I did not get much work done at all, I spent a lot of time staring at the same piece of paper waiting for the answer to appear before me, it never did. After a couple hours of frustration, I put headphones in and was able to drown out the chaos.

Success or Failure?

I think that this little experiment was a success. I tried to struggle through that noise and distractions at first, but then adapted and found a way to make my situation more ideal.

What’s Next?

I am going to try this a few more times and find out what I can do to improve my productivity. Maybe trying different solutions or finding a different place in my house which is more sound resistant. Eventually, I would like to be able to focus and be able to study with distractions and noise without getting distracted by that noise.

