How to become a Hero?

Vitap Ramdevputra
Change in Permanence 
3 min readFeb 13, 2014


Hero always wins. In almost all hit, spicy and lovable movie hero is unbeatable, he can do almost anything. Want to know how? Here’s the recipe….

To become a hero, you don’t need to have good looks, muscular body, dancing, singing, fighting skill and definitely no moustache or ridiculous colorful pants. All you have to do is, follow the simple following steps.

All of us are taught that a) “One should have a goal in life, A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.” b) The Truth will always win and c) Love your work or Love what you do. Boring, boring, boring and damn this boredom. But don’t forget these are the most amazing statements said ever. And you are about to read and understand the amazing things of these amazing statements amazingly.

I saw a film last weekend, and got inspired to write this article. And now what are we going to do is “casting”. Our cast is, you as in muscular hero, your goal as a beautiful heroine and the challenges which will be faced to achieve goal as a wealthy villain.

Primarily, you need to have a goal, as there is no hero stuff without heroine. So decide a goal and love that goal a lot. Love your goal up to an extent that you can do anything to achieve it. Now proceed, try every possible move to go nearer to your goal just like a hero sings and dance madly to go nearer to his girl. As usual, the nearer you go to your goal the challenges and oppositions gets extracted. Whatever comes, you have to fight in all the situations.

Now after few twist and turns, the hero somehow manages to get a lot nearer to heroine. But again, it becomes a lot tougher as the end approaches. Same scenario is here, you will have to face more and more challenge to reach to your goals. And soon, hero and villain comes one on one, the finale. According to me this fight teaches us a lot. Hero and villain are both strong enough to stand against each other for long time, but then hero gets injured badly. But he is a hero gets up quickly, and smashing, crushing and demolishing continues. Now after some ultra efforts villain falls, and we think that okay it is the end but an unexpected upset mounts and what we see is half dead hero lying on floor, blood all over the face, no energy and then his eyes shuts slowly giving us a strong feeling as if our hero will lose.

And now “The Rise”…….

The same half dead hero, gets up, strikes again and this time it’s realized by all of us that now the ultimatum is very near, and he finishes villain. Despite of the victory, most of thinks that what nonsense and total crap it was, how anyone can win after such bad injuries. But it is not that illogical, there was something hidden behind “the rise” and it was the sweet voice of the heroine or a glance of her. He stood up even when audience gave up, only and only to achieve his goal and love. Whether you are male or female if you want to become hero then this are the things which will definitely help you. It is a very simple and repeated story but teaches us that why the goal is important in your life, why it is important to love your work.

Make a goal, follow the truth and love them both above all, GET UP whenever you fall, die hard to achieve it and become HERO.

