50% of Mainers Less Likely to Re-Elect Senator Collins if She Votes to Confirm Kavanaugh

Change Research surveyed 801 Maine voters September 30-October 1. A majority of Mainers have an unfavorable opinion of Kavanaugh.

Change Research
Change Research
2 min readOct 3, 2018


  • Judge Brett Kavanaugh is unpopular across Maine; 55% feel unfavorably about him, compared to 43% who feel favorably.
  • 47% believe Judge Kavanaugh is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, but only 43% believe he should be confirmed.
  • Over 50% of respondents believe Judge Kavanaugh has not been forthcoming about his past.
  • Maine Senator Susan Collins’ current standing is weak: only 39% of Maine voters offer a favorable opinion of the Senator, compared to 59% who feel unfavorably.
    Senator Collins is viewed favorably by 30% of Democrats, 43% of Independents, and 48% of Republicans. Her standing has fallen considerably among Democrats since Change Research last polled in the state.
  • 50% say they are less likely to re-elect Senator Collins if she votes to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. 33% say that voting for him would make them more likely to re-elect her.
  • 50% say Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was more credible than Judge Kavanaugh; 40% say Kavanaugh was more credible.
  • 51% believe Judge Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade on the Supreme Court, compared to just 17% who feel he truly believes it is settled law. 32% are not sure.

Brett Kavanaugh is slightly less popular in Maine than across the U.S. as a whole: 44% of all Americans view Kavanaugh favorably, and 44% also believe he should be confirmed.

Change Research also found Democrat Janet Mills leading her Republican opponent Shawn Moody 52–44 in two-way polling on the Governor’s race.

Polling was conducted online, using Change Research’s patent-pending Bias Correct Engine. Post-stratification was done on gender, age, ethnicity, party, and 2016 vote.

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