Change Research by the Numbers: A Post-2018 Election Update

Change Research
Change Research
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2018

In 2018, Change Research has…

  • Worked with over 200 clients on more than 500 polls, at an average cost of $4,100 per poll
  • Analyzed responses from 800,000+ likely voters across the U.S.
  • Conducted polls for clients in 36 states (in addition to our nationwide polls)
  • Collectively saved our clients $8.2 million* and more than 1,250 days* — that’s 3.4 years — of time spent waiting for poll results as compared to traditional phone pollsters
  • Worked directly with over 60 candidates to bring them accurate and affordable data
  • Asked an average of 27 questions per poll

We work with diverse candidates who are part of the oncoming Democratic wave.

  • 77% of our client are first-time candidates
  • 65% of our clients are running for office
  • 86% of our candidates are running for state or local office
  • 45% of our candidates are women
  • 25% of our candidates are people of color

We poll across the country and in battleground and swing states. Since April, Change Research has conducted…

  • 70+ polls in North Carolina
  • 50+ polls in Oklahoma
  • 30+ polls in Tennessee
  • 25+ polls in Florida
  • 20+ polls in California
  • 15+ polls in Arizona
  • 15+ polls in Colorado
  • 15+ polls in New York
  • 10+ polls in Texas

*Assumes each phone poll costs approx. $30,000 and takes a week to field.

