One Year of Impact in Public-Opinion Polling

Change Research
Change Research


Change Research turned one! Looking at our year in review is exciting and powerful. As a public benefit corporation, a big piece of our success metric is the number of forward-thinking candidates and causes we help in 2018 and beyond. Here are some highlights:

  • 136 total client polls conducted since founding
  • 117 total client polls conducted in 2018
  • 116,200 people took one of our polls
  • 506% growth between July 2017 — Dec 2017 and Jan 2018 — June 2018

We work with diverse candidates who are part of the oncoming Democratic wave.

  • 75% of our individual clients are female
  • 41% of our individual clients are people of color
  • 77% of our clients are candidates/for elections
  • 20% of our clients are forward-thinking causes

Our polling is especially effective for down-ballot candidates and forward-thinking causes that previously could not afford polling.

Change Research polling is fast, accurate, and affordable.

Our methodology allows us to deliver fast, accurate, and affordable polling to candidates up and down the ballot — and we have the numbers to back it up.

We believe research and development leads to getting polling right.

In our Turnout Insight R&D program, we are conducting public polls in elections across America to better understand the electorate and who will turn out for the 2018 general election. Read more about our Turnout Insight program.

  • 73 R&D polls conducted
  • R&D polls in 16 states

We poll across the country and in battleground and swing states.

We’ve polled in 32 states, including:

  • 17 polls in California
  • 8 polls in Florida
  • 4 polls in Texas
  • 23 polls in Oklahoma
  • 19 polls nationwide

Thank you to everyone who has worked with us this past year. If you are part of the wave or simply want to measure data for your campaign or cause, let’s talk.

