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3 problems of Design Thinking

The hullabaloo about Design Thinking and how it’s going to make everybody in the world “human”centred, is spawning a new kind of conflict between designers and non-design folks.

Sunil Malhotra
Change starts here
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2016


The problem is the Pitch of Providers.

The problem is the Presumptuousness of Designers.

The problem is the Perception of Customers.

The problem is the Pitch: Go through a day of immersion, or attend a master-class …even better, lock yourself with a bunch of strangers and voila, next thing you know, you’re Hartmut Esslinger, Bill Buxton or even Andy Warhol. Well, maybe not so literally, but definitely that you’ll have acquired all the things that make a designer. That’s humbug! Design is a hard thing. While other professionals can specialise, designers have to balance function with personality. A designer’s work typically appeals to the emotional side of people, which by any yardstick, is a tough call. So get the pitch right guys!

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Sunil Malhotra
Change starts here

Zen maverick | white light synthesiser | #Designthinking | founder + Cocreator #bmgen Book | #DesigninTech | #ExponentialTransformation