Be More Active, Without a Gym

Change Collective
Change Tribune
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2015

This article was originally published on the Change Tribune.

For most of our history, we humans had to exert ourselves — often quite strenuously — to get food. We naturally spent a lot of time outdoors moving. Things are different today. Studies show people sit for 7 to 13 hours a day!

Our bodies aren’t built for this. You were Made to Move. Learn how with these tips from functional medicine and ancestral health expert Chris Kresser:

At first glance, adding movement into our modern workday seems unlikely. Turns out, it’s often the best place to start.

  • Try a standing desk — begin with 30 minutes/day, and work up from there.
  • Stand up and move for 2 minutes every hour.
  • Take a walking meeting.
  • Do a 2-minute push-up break.

You don’t have to walk or bike to work to be more active. Use the fact that you’re already on the move as an advantage, and tweak your commute:

  • Walk around the block before you hop in your car.
  • Get off the train one stop early and finish on foot.
  • Park half a mile away, instead of at work.

Your commute is a great way to get closer to your daily activity goal with the help of an activity tracker (we like the Misfit Shine).

It’s easy to fall into the trap of being sedentary at home.

  • Think of chores as smorgasbord of movement. Use some elbow grease!
  • Get a few inexpensive pieces of exercise equipment, like a jump rope, or pull up bar, and do a mini-workout during a Netflix break.
  • Nothing gets us outside and moving more than a hyperactive dog!

A cranky knee or tweaked back can be a challenge for anyone trying to stay active. There’s a decent chance these issues can be tied back to your posture.

The cliff notes for correct posture are simple: keep your ear, shoulder, hip, and heel in straight vertical alignment. Make a few small changes in your environment instead of trying to remember:

  • Adjust your desk so that the top of your monitor is slightly above eye-level, knees are level, and hands are neutral.
  • In the car, slide your headrest so that your head can rest against it comfortably.
  • At home, find a place to relax, read, or watch TV where your back is well supported and you don’t have to slouch.

This article was originally published on the Change Tribune. Change Collective is a behavior change course platform that includes expert-led daily lessons and personal coaching to help you improve your fitness, productivity, mindfulness, and more.



Change Collective
Change Tribune

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