be a catalyst for change
A teacher once said, write to publish or don’t bother to write. When I hit the publish button on what I write — all my intentions are released into the ether, the wild, the cosmos. The act of pressing the send key on my device can be cathartic — inspiring, refreshing and reassuring.
I put my whole self into the writing and, just maybe, what I just published will make an impact. A lot can be said about the power of written language — capturing words in tangible form lasts longer than when merely uttered or imagined.
When carefully constructed and applied, it can be a catalyst for change.
The rhetoric of politics is a clear example of wielding and weaponizing words. Print media and press across nations endorse their candidates with convincing zeal and authority — truthfully or otherwise. Candidates themselves are capable of much worse — qualified or not, most are unworthy to serve.
It is humbling and an honor to possess the ability to craft words free of bias or colonization. To be able to contribute in any way to the larger work. Work that is inherently a collective and collaborative effort. It is in each one of us taking on this charge that change happens.
I would like to create some space for you to know me as the author of this text — beyond my name, position in life, or job title — as your fellow human being.
Originally published at