tipping points

Bhakti Issa Urra
change warrior
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2024

Despite the fact that population numbers and our behavior are the major factor influencing the rapid environmental degradation and biodiversity loss too few environmentalists dare to address the issue of overpopulation head on.

Why can’t we co-create a thriving human civilization of almost nine billion people within the limits of planetary boundaries? The answer will shape the future of our species and life on Earth.

Graeme MacKay, editorial cartoonist

How do we enable the abundance of this living planet, share more fairly within the human family, and the Web of Life between those alive today and future generations?

Throughout evolution life has created conditions conducive to life. Our future depends on maintaining conditions on this planet favorable for all — human beings and the rest of the world around us.

A Journey of Design Inspired by Nature

The publication of Biomimicry by Janine Benyus might well be regarded as another watershed moment in our species’ re-awakening to the need for re-integration of human affairs with the life-sustaining cycles of nature.

Just as the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring or the publication of Limits to Growth marked quantum leaps in understanding our ecological impact on Earth — we take up the call once more to create solutions to our most pressing human problems.

an equitable & regenerative world for people & planet

By following life’s basic principles we re-learn how to see, as Benyus puts it, nature as a mentor, as a measure, and as model to emulate.

The list of biologically inspired product design innovations is almost inexhaustible. There are many more examples to illustrate the diversity of applications of biomimicry at the product scale.

Originally published at http://changewarrior.blogspot.com.



Bhakti Issa Urra
change warrior

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed