1% Of Highly Spiritual People Slowly Quit These 5 Thing

And you should, too (if you are a serious seeker).

Ruchi Thalwal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


1% Of Highly Spiritual People Slowly Quit These 5 Things
Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash

An underlying spiritual wave is slowly taking over the world.

It feels splendid. I see people questioning traditional roles. Daring to leave the security to follow their passion and heart.

Best of all, people are seeking more in life. It is not just about money, status, or things. But satisfaction, happiness, and joy.

Those who guide them are highly spiritual and self-realized people. I've been close friends with many. Here is what I've seen them quitting from their life.

A race to prove their spiritual mastery

Once, I asked my spiritual mentor, "Why don't you start something to reach a broader audience and guide them?"

He replied, "Many are just looking for spiritual entertainment. And if a few people are desperate for genuine guidance, life will support them automatically."

I coaxed, "But even I was stuck in many phases when you helped me."

"Then it was your time. I did nothing. Life flowed through me and guided you like any other. It was your quality to set your ego aside and become empty."



Ruchi Thalwal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Periodontist turned Spiritual Mentor| Transform your anxious life to joy & higher consciousness. Grab FREE healing audio https://ruchithalwal.ck.page/f05058f288