1 Way to Stop Eating Junk Food

An easy change that brings massive results

Destiny S. Harris
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Brad West on Unsplash

Do you struggle to stay away from junk food? You’re not alone. So do I. Except, I keep junk food put up. When I was a kid, I kept my junk food under my bed (don’t ask why). Sometimes I keep it hidden in my closet. But most of the time, it’s in the pantry. However, if you came to my place, you’re most likely never to see junk food unless you look in a specific area in the pantry.

I like junk food, so I keep it in the house, but that doesn’t mean I eat it all the time. Usually, I eat about 70–80% clean. The other 20–30% can be whatever, and what helps me do this is mainly keeping healthy foods in the house and keeping the junk food out of sight!

My friend aims to eat cleaner, lose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. I was at their house the other day, and they had bought some Oreos (Note: I recommend you don’t have any treats or cheat meals while trying to lose weight; it usually just prolongs the time it takes you to reach your goals). After taking some out of the box, they returned for more throughout the day. Guess where the box was? It was on the countertop.

I suggested putting them up in the pantry, so they would be less tempted to eat them. When you keep junk food out in the open — highly visible and readily available — you are more

