10 Psychological Hacks You Must Know to Control Any Situation

Focus On What You Can Control and Ignore Everything Else

Kurtis Pykes
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image created by author using Midjourney

Focus on what you can control and ignore everything else.

This statement bases its roots in a popular Stoic ideology called the dichotomy of control.

The best way to summarize what it’s about is with this Epictetus quote, “The more you seek to control external events, the less control you will have over your own life.

If you try and control things you can’t control, the more outta control your life will become.

The contrary is true too: if you control things you can control, the more authority you’ll have over your life.

The only problem with this is many people aren’t aware of the full extent of what they can control.

All they know is they should respond positively to events they can't change, but this is the shallowest level of what you can control as it doesn’t allow you to influence your surroundings.

If you wanna have authority over any situation, you must go deeper into understanding what you can control to influence various scenarios.

These 10 psychological hacks are a great starting point…

1. The pause



Kurtis Pykes
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I ghostwrite X & LI content for CEOs in AI | 25k+ followers on @Medium | 7M+ content views (and counting)