10 Signs Someone Doesn’t Care About Anyone Other Than Themselves

Stop giving considerable thought to inconsiderate people

George J. Ziogas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image: Vasyl/Adobe Stock

Our relationships come in a variety of forms, from long-term friendships, romantic liaisons, familial relationships, fleeting friendships, and beyond. It doesn’t matter what type of relationship you have with someone, all of them require a healthy measure of communication. Now, communication is more than verbal, there are plenty of nonverbal cues that highlight insights you may not pick up through verbal cues.

When you embark on a new relationship, it’s exciting. You feel optimistic about it, whether it’s a romantic interest or simply a new platonic friendship. If you’ve had difficult relationships in your history, then it’s nice to seize on the optimism new relationships offer. That is, of course, until you get a better read on someone and realize they’re just not that into you.

You feel exhausted trying to make this person care about you. You’re constantly presenting your point of view and the other person simply isn’t interested in your feelings. They’re missing a sensitivity chip, there’s a deficit there — unable to understand the emotions of others because they lack empathy.

For you, it’s frustrating to spend time with someone who only speaks of themselves while…



George J. Ziogas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com