10 Spiritual Mr Miyagi Quotes That Can Help You Live a More Enlightened Life

“If come from inside you, always right one.”

Sabah Ismail✨
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image: Mr Miyagi in The Karate Kid. (Source: greyhatdev.com)

I just finished watching the original three Karate Kid films with my husband — one a night on our weekly date-nights at home.

The films majorly influenced his life growing up, instilling in him a love for martial arts and finding peace and balance on a spiritual path. I, on the other hand, remember watching the first one as a child, but that was really about it.

Something about the character of Mr Miyagi left a lasting impression, however, and I guess there is no coincidence that all these years later, having now been on my own intense spiritual journey for almost a decade, that I found him again in adulthood.

For those who may not know, the films follow the story of a rather temperamental teen boy called Daniel who finds a Karate teacher, spiritual guide, best friend and father figure in the character of Mr Miyagi; an older gentleman from Okinawa, who resides in the USA. The films follow their journey together — as Daniel grows older through his teenage years and Mr Miyagi imparts his wisdom, knowledge and karate skills to him — culminating in a karate battle at the end of each film.



Sabah Ismail✨
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.