10 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Older, if You Aren’t Careful

Unless you put in the effort now

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Gert Stockmans from Unsplash.com

Why is this topic crucial to a life well lived?

Because thinking carefully about the things we are likely to regret can help re-calibrate and re-focus how we live.

#1- Following the Crowd In Order to Fit In or Earn Approval

You will regret all the times you said yes when you’d rather have said no.

You’ll regret having become a false self, both physically and emotionally, in order to try and impress others, gain approval, garner desire, and fit in.

You’ll wish you had the confidence and daring to do what you wanted to do and what felt authentic for you, rather than what society and others were pressuring you to.

You will feel sad that you changed yourself, mentally, physically, or emotionally, in order to fit into society or impress others, rather than stayed strong and remained who you truly are.

You’ll be annoyed you didn’t follow your own heart and, instead, followed in the footsteps and influence of other people.

#2- Not Taking Chances

