10 Top Habits to Help Us Stay Our Healthiest Selves

While we cannot control all of our health outcomes, we can certainly influence many of them. Here are a few that we can:

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Tabitha Turner from Unsplash.com

#1: Cultivate at least a few meaningful social connections in your life

We all intuitively know this, but tons of research backs it up too. Equally as important as regular exercise and eating well, and potentially even more so, having at least a couple of healthy, meaningful social connections in your life is crucial to both mental and physical health.

It lowers blood pressure and stress, decreases the overall risk of diseases, and offers a sense of emotional support and comfort, as well as (hopefully) upliftment and joy.

Also, having at least a couple of healthy and emotionally connected social connections in your life offers (hopefully) a sounding board of people to whom you can go for different life perspectives and insights, which all of us need (viewpoints, ideas, insights, and opinions different from our own).

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