10 Ways That Sitting Wrecks Your Body

You’re on the fast track to lots of health problems if you sit a lot

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Brooke Cagle from Unsplash.com

The human body is not meant to sit for hours every day. We are not built to stay in the same position for long stretches of time. This is terrible for our muscles and blood flow. A likely fast track to weak muscles, a flabby butt and thighs, and potential blood clot issues are to spend a lot of your day sitting or moving minimally.

The human body and skeleton aren’t designed to be sitting, immobile, inactive, and hunched over all day. It's actually designed to stand, move, run, walk, bend, sprint, stretch, essentially to be in action the majority of the time.

Many of us have health issues that we attribute to bad genes, poor diet, or possibly even the environment. But now that we have a better understanding of the physiological effects of excessive sitting, it’s probably safe to say that our daily behaviors can also play a large role in our health problems.

Research now shows that the frequency with which we spend sitting has detrimental effects on our health- some studies even say, equal to or potentially worse than from smoking.

Here are ten ways that sitting destroys your body.

  1. Weight gain. Too much…

