101 Things to Do in A Sauna

If sitting and sweating is boring, elevate your experience.

Lisa Bradburn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Woman in sauna

A Love For Saunas

I’m a self-professed sauna freak, having been obsessed with saunas and sauna culture for two decades. When I turned forty and discovered my ethnic background for the first time, a third British, Swedish, and Finnish, my love for saunas made perfect sense — the past time is built into my DNA.

Given that I’ve spent countless hours confined in these boxes, either traditional or my preferred infra-red, this post is dedicated to the hard-core lovers of saunas who may get bored from time to time sitting and sweating. To you, I dedicate 101 things you can do in a sauna.

While the list is inexhaustive, some bullets are activities I’ve witnessed firsthand. The worst experience was having a man’s ball sack thrust in my face while he was performing jumping jacks, sweat flying everywhere. Yuk. Trust me, there are peculiar cats with unusual habits using saunas in high-end hotels — discretion is not always implied.

If you’re bored and seeking to spice up sauna time, here are 101 creative ideas.

101 Things To Do In A Sauna

  1. Stretch, bring an elastic band.
  2. Weight lift



Lisa Bradburn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: lbradburn@gestaltmail.ca