11 Signs You Are Reclaiming Your Power

And creating a life you love to live.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


11 Signs You Are Reclaiming Your Power
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I have never shared this before.

The first time I chose me was 8 years ago.

I nervously walked up and down the beach pondering in my head what I should do next.

Shall I really take the risk of being with a stranger I met for two days on a remote beach just because it feels right?

Shall I really end my current happyish 2-year-long relationship?

Deep inside I knew the answer. It didn’t make any logical sense.

All kinds of thoughts came to my mind—a cocktail of shame, blame, and fear.

What will my family and friends think?

What if it doesn’t work out?

Is there any possibility this could even work out?

Don’t ruin another relationship, you already ruined your last ones.

Do I have the guts to have this uncomfortable conversation?

But then there was this other voice that gently told me:

You are worthy of exceptional love.

You are whole on your own — no matter what.

That was the first time I consciously let go of layers of conditioning and had…



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Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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