12 Quippy One-Liners That Will Help You Get Through Almost Anything

No matter how much you dread it.

Mary Liga
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Like most people, I’ve had to stare down a few things I’ve dreaded doing.

The kind of thing that makes you want to bury your head under the covers and hide, while simultaneously coming up with the perfect excuse to stay there.

“Do I have a fever?”

“I think my car was making a funny sound yesterday. I better not take a chance.”

Dread. Absolute dread.

Partly because I tend to work myself up into a pretty good lather about things and exaggerate how bad they will be.

But also because, like most of us, I’m not chomping at the bit to do something hard.

Yet, almost every time, I persevere, because it’s also not in me to bale on stuff.


But not without a little dose of self-talk.

Go First

A life tip that has saved me more than a few times. It’s one I laid on my kids when they were in school too.

“Whenever you have something you’re dreading, like a speech or presentation, raise your hand and ask to go first” I would wisely preach.



Mary Liga
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Margarita-loving copywriter, life coach, home design junkie, and host of The Badass Midlife Podcast. maryjoliga@gmail.com