12 Ways to Becoming a Valuable and a Noteworthy Person

A value is valuable when the value of value is valuable to one’s self.

Safoora Maqbool
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readJun 19, 2021


You matter: Becoming a valuable and notaeperson
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

We human beings are all valuable, however, there are always some situations, some life experiences, or certain upheavals in life that force a person to think otherwise. No matter how humiliated and disdained one may feel as a consequence of life events, there are reasons to believe that you’re valuable, for instance, think of it this way, God doesn’t create junk nor does He errs in creating the invaluable.

Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.

Why become valuable and noteworthy?

Thriving in the world of contrast, there’re always people around us who act differently towards us, who judge us for things and qualities they lack themselves. For instance, people are judged for being too extroverted, too sensible, too loud, too quiet, or simply for being too comfortable in their own skin.

You might feel worthless to one person, but you are priceless to another. Don’t ever forget your worth and value.

However, to take back control of our feelings, it’s vital to get rid of the common belief that states: people make us feel good. We should learn to be comfortable in our own skin because yes, our relationships with people do matter a lot as they do make us feel good sometimes. However, the other way round, some relationships could also be a very reason why one feels or stays unhappy.

It’s natural for us human beings to have the urge of being accepted. The paranoia of what others would think of us urges people to change for the better. And for that people try to change their behaviors to seek out the approval of the people they value, that is to say, they try to become valuable and noteworthy in the eyes of the people they expect an endorsement from.

The truth is one should not run after making changes in his behaviors merely to attain endorsement from others because that way you’d never be able to win them anyway. It’s because those contrasts are an everlasting thing, meaning there’d always be people who find something missing in you.

Sometimes you need to forget what you and others feel about you and remember what you deserve.

Rather one should improve themselves for the sake of their own good, for the sake of their own character building, then and only then, endorsements from people will follow you naturally.

Valuable and Noteworthy Person — How to become one?

Here are some tips and ways on how to become valuable and noteworthy that’ll help you come away with an idea of holding a better perspective of yourself.

  • Improving your character — character is the most important part of a person’s personality. It’s through a character that people judge the traits and qualities of a person. Investing in improving your character and becoming a gentleman can help you become valuable and noteworthy in the eyes of people. So much so forth, if you ever fall in a situation where you have to choose between character and money, give preference to character over money. That’s because your character can earn you more than money itself.
  • Stop chasing money, stop worshipping it — Most of us are always in the run of making more and more money to fulfill our needs and/or become rich. But the thing is running after money won’t earn you much. Always think of money as a fleeting object, a transient thing in life. It never stays. In fact, I have witnessed that the fastest it pours in, the more speedily it gets all used up. Especially when it’s earned through unlawful ways. Money is a convertible thing that is easily converted into material things that fulfill your needs.

One should utilize their money regularly thinking of it as their servant. Otherwise, it will make you its servant and you’ll start worshipping it. Once that happens, you’ll lose your value in the eyes of people.

  • Don’t run after your fame, let it come naturally — Just as chasing money won’t fill up your purse, similarly running after or enforcing your fame won’t earn you pride and dignity. Respect is something one should value rather than fame. Because respect, pride, and dignity are the key factors in creating your value and noteworthiness. Running after your fame rather than achieving it can indeed get you bombarded with disgrace which is a person’s value losing factor.
  • Control your inner-self before it controls you — Most of us under the influence of our egos, sometimes exhibit unusual or uncalled for actions that can immediately make you lose your value. You need to be mindful of your egos to control your inner-self from exhibiting such a character which would otherwise spoil things beyond fixing.
  • Build your network — No one likes adding antisocial people to their network so, work on becoming a brilliant social genius to gain a wider social audience. With a wider network, your outreach would be good and that means you’ll be making more progress in work life, thereby adding value and creating value for yourself.
  • Have versatile knowledge — People love those who possess versatile knowledge and can exchange talks related to different topics with confidence. The versatile knowledge simply adds weight to your words. Remember people with deep knowledge are loved by society as people find it sociable to interact with them. Also, you become interesting based on your knowledge and innovative thinking.
  • Develop a feeling of contentment — Assent your life and fate, and be thankful about it. Your mind is like a torch, give it a focus to make it contended and thankful.
  • Invest in small good deeds that bring a smile to others fave — Even smiling is a good deed. Small good-intentioned deeds widen up your social gap.
  • Stop being negative, positivity attracts more — Positive-minded people are loved, negative minded are avoided mostly and are only interacted within times of mischief.
  • Poverty is not a bad thing, but destitution and dependency are — People may help the devoid and destitute, but they don’t really love such people. So, incorporate capability and self-dependency in your life even if you’re poor.
  • Become mud with mud — Talk to people as per their level. The point is that even if you’re wealthy, you should make yourself appear as a normal ordinary person rather than walking with stiffened posture. Because people with a stiffened posture never reap the reward of dignity in their character by God and that’s the most crucial opposition in their path of becoming valuable and noteworthy.
  • Make a difference — Work for a cause so that even if you leave this world one day, your absence should leave a marked spot in the hearts of people.

There you have it, some tiny little words that have the power of transforming you into a valuable and noteworthy person. What do you think about them? I’d love to know in the comment section below.

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