2 Reasons Why You Should Dedicate Yourself To Being A Lifelong Learner

Learning is our only option.

Zachary Minott
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Our entire youth, we were told that we needed to get a good education. The problem is that most people stop learning once they cross the finish line of a college or high school education as if that was all that was needed to really make it in life and to understand the world.

Learning does not stop with formal education. Formal education is simply only a specific type of way that we can educate ourselves, but if you don’t stray beyond that path, you’re ultimately condemned to think the same as everyone else. You read only what other people read. You learn only what you’re taught. You become a product of the mediocre.

If you fail to escape this purgatory, you’ll only ever be as good as the person next to you. You’ll only know as much as they do. You’ll never live up to your full potential.

Learning is our only option, otherwise what makes us better off than the dead man?

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