2 Simple CBT-Based Mantras I Use to Avoid Relapsing Into Depression

I’ve summarized my Cognitive Behavioural Therapy into 2 simple mantras that prevent me from relapsing into depression.

Assumpta Nalubowa
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by mellamed on pexels.com

If you want to survive, there are things you must tell yourself every day.

If you’re like me — if depression is a thing that’s always lurking in the next alley, threatening to end you. To drag you by your bare skin through thorny bushes. Through this existence — then, there are things you must tell yourself every waking moment of your life.

That’s how you survive!

See, it’s easy to forget. You know how it is. First, the small things leave you. You forget how to laugh, how to play. Then, you forget how to love. You raise your voice at your 5-year-old niece, and a few days later, your bed becomes more attractive than the singing birds outside.

This is why you must remember.

You have to design a self-care package that can never leave you. A small but potent light that forever shines even on your darkest of days. You must make this light a part of yourself — a living breathing organism you feed every hour of every day.



Assumpta Nalubowa
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: https://sumpycode.hashnode.dev/